GameChange Solar Bundled Galvanized Solar Torque Tubes for 1P Tracker system

GameChange Solar Bundled Galvanized Solar Torque Tubes for 1P Tracker system

Location:USA Midwest & USA Southeast

Available quantity:2450


NEW, Never used. Owner is keen to sell.

*PRICED per bundle of 16*.

39,200 Pieces in total! (2450 bundles of 16)

Bundled Galvanized Solar Torque Tubes for GameChange Solar 1P Tracker system.

  • 4" x 4" Galvanized Square Steel Tubing.
  • Material Grade - 0.098" min GR70 G90 Galvanized Steel
  • Rust Prevention Treatment - Chem treat and acrylic coating, HDG 2.4 mils+, or Gatorshield

1) 16,800 pieces (1050 bundles of 16). Ends Unpainted

Length: 342.875" (28.57'); Location: Michigan

2) 11,200 pieces (700 bundles of 16). Ends Pink

Length: 402.500" (33.54'); Location: Michigan

3) 11,200 pieces (700 bundles of 16). Ends Red

Length: 584.875" (48.74'); Location: Georgia

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* All Descriptions, Specifications and Features are correct to the best of our knowledge. Interested buyers should verify before purchasing.


ManufacturerGameChange Solar
ModelBundled Galvanized Solar Torque Tubes for 1P Tracker system
Stock Number003536

Additional Features

Originally purchased from Game Change Solar (

General inspection of bundled solar tubes located in Michigan was conducted on March 9th, 2022, by IMEG. Inspection results available by request from qualified buyer.

Also available upon request:
- Drawings specs for the three lengths (tips color identifies length)
- Mill/Test Certs (identifying location of manufacture)
- 3rd party inspection report of the material as stored in the Michigan location (including additional photos)
- Additional photo of some of the material in the Georgia location.